Monday, April 11, 2011

Comments HW 44


Your post was about interviewing women about different aspects on birth. I think that your post could have talked more about the experiences before we got the interviews because you do reflect on things but you don't establish anything about how you felt before. Something that I think your post had of value was the video of the interview because the interpretation of what someone said and the way they actually sad things makes a big difference. Your project was valuable to me because we did the same project and I like that we tried to learn about something not taught in class

FROM JASPER (Lower Person)

Chris: Christ great post sounds like you're group project was the best in the whole class... You're project was supposed to be about procedures conducted in hospitals during births. But after you and this Jasper guy were rejected you found people outside to interview about their views on birth and you also interviewed a very knowledgable pediatrician. I like how you still went into what you originally wanted to do the project on and gave some statistics. I also like how you talked to regular people outside but then got knowledgeable source also that you could ask some questions to. This project matters to me because it's the same thing I did and I think it's important to know what the society thinks not just the people you know! P.S. you make us seem very stupid in your post. And me more than you..


The main idea of your post seemed to be finding out what a woman with kids thought about birth. But at the same time you introduced it as a decision of whether or not your mother should have another kid. The only thing that is confusing about this is you say your mom knows a lot of information so I find it confusing how you would go about informing her more. Maybe i'm just lost. Also I'm confused about parts 2-4. But anyway I think all these projects are useful pieces of information but at the same time I like that you mother was more informed about birth then "common people". For whatever reason I thought people who gave birth wouldn't know as much as I did but 9 months of thinking gives more information then a month of what we did. I think this project matters because the video was actually very entertaining. Most birth stories are, they are rarely talked about and usually great stories.



It seems like what your overall goal was learning about hospital births. I know this because that was what I tried to do as well. You asked a few questions to a nurse at a hospital which was something that I wanted to do. One aspect that I valued about your posted is you were actually able to come up with some information from a person who worked at a hospital. I tried very hard towards the end of the project to go into a hospital, however it didn't work. This would have been valuable to my project. This matters to me because it is some information that I wanted however if I was you I would have made a push to learn more about how birth is done because anyone from anywhere can give an opinion on anything. A few spelling errors too, usually I don't notice spelling errors but you have some rather obvious ones.



I think you choose a good topic because it was something that we never talked about in class. It is not completely related to birth however some people give their children up for adoption before they are born. These are good questions, I never thought about being adopted but I think it would raise a lot of questions. The aspect that I valued the most about this project was the background research because it shows that you had a real desire to learn a bit more about adoption. Also the interview with Flywalker's dad makes the post more interesting, its always more entertaining to know what people think instead of how you interpret what they think. I think this project matters because it is one of the more creative. I have commented on 3 peoples blogs and they all related to mine in a way. This is something different.




Your project is looking shakes because it doesn't have any sound. But I did watch this video before so I do know somethings about it. I think your project was similar to mine because you also wanted to see how hospital birth was done in contrast to what we learned. You got farther then me and Jasper. The thing that was the most interesting though was the private rooms because being able to be by yourself with your family and the baby cost extra. I think the ending was good too, there were people with different levels of knowledge. One person did not know what a "Cesarean" Section was and one person had a family of all C-Sections. I think you could have written something about what you thought before and after making this film to make the project better.


From Ruben

The main focus for your project, was to find out more information about babies being born based of your research, and interviews. I really valued the way you didn't stop trying to find someone to talk to about birth, even if it was a random person. This project matters to me, because it encourages me to ask whoever I want, in a polite manner, about what I was studying or focusing on.

From Sophia


You explained how what you learned in class led you to want to interview a nurse or doctor, and then you told the story of you quest to find someone to interview. You also documented this journey, along with the responses from the doctor you interviewed.

I particularly valued the fact that you interviewed various people after you couldn't find a doctor, and that you were willing to get kicked out of Babies R Us for the sake of this project.

Your project matters to me because you wanted to hear other people's opinions about pregnancy and birth, and why they had these opinions.

One thing I thought you could have done would be to analyze one of the interviews, or how what the doctor told you did or didn't match up with what you knew previously.

From Isabel (Higher Person)

Chris! Your post seemed to focus on two different ideas. You talk about wanting to know an alternative to the things that you learned in class. The videos show that you went to interview people though and then you have an interview. It seems to be a few different ideas that you try to learn about. One thing that I did like about this post was there were three different ways that you try to show people what you are learning. You have some research then you use interviews from people and an interview from a doctor. I think this project matters because it is good information that can be used for something bigger. I think in this project you set up for something that could have been larger. Good start keep going!

Response to Sophia,


Thanks for reading my blog, I wanted to focus on hospital births, and I was hoping that someone would read this. The best part of the experience was being kicked out of Babies R Us because I don't really understand why its not okay to record. It wasn't because we were recording people, we just were not allowed to record. I wish I would have been able to get more people though this was all a last second thought. I also agree with your criticism because it kind of just leaves it to the reader to interpret things. My project would have been better if I were to go into more detail about this. I hope you enjoyed it still.


Response to Ruben


Thanks for reading my blog RUBEN. I did try to get some information about hospital births just like you did and we got about the same amount of information. You should ask some people if you ever have anything to say, the worse they can say is no. Its also easier if you go with friends but people tend to like to talk about themselves because they always know the right answer and they just enjoy letting others know.

Response to Beatrice

Beatrice, I just saw your comment on the youtube video, that comes from Kevin giving us the video the day after the project was done...Kevin...

Thanks for reading my blog though, I'm sorry if I disappointed you when I made you believe we got chased by the cops. However that pitch worked. It got you to view my blog and comment on it. I wanted to be able to do more with the project, but I think that this met a few of my standards not all of them. I also watched your video. It is a really good video, I saw you recording a few people but this is very good. I agree with your suggestion though, I wanted to do a lot more, and I think I would have if I had gotten an actual interview. However thats no excuse. I'll remember that for next year and next project.

Response to Jasper

In the post I did not make anyone seem stupid I promise. I just make it seem like that in the comment because we did the same project as a joke. Duh Winning! Anyway, I appreciated the comment and have very little to say in response because we did the same thing. You and I should work together again for other projects but actually be able to do the idea we want to do.

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